The Girl, The Myth, The Fanfiction

Beyond the Page

Up until now, this digital project has focused on the performative aspects of written fanfiction and the tropes that exist within the medium. Fan-generated works, however, don’t always follow the model of written material on the Internet. Upon leaving the online archive, we can find examples of all sorts of works that could potentially count as fanfiction or, at least, transformative fan work. In this section, I explore the various ways that fans engage with the text outside of written fanfiction, analyzing fan-written music, podcasts, theatrical production, and interactive websites.

Regardless of whether this falls under the classification of fanfiction, fans who create this work are still engaging in a generative fan practice. For fanfiction that generative practice is writing. For fanart, the practices is drawing or painting. For fan-made musicals, many generative practices must come together to create the final product. While playwrights are writing in a similar manner to fanfiction authors, actors engage in embodying, portraying, and reimagining characters and the stories they are a part of. Beyond the Page explores the differences and similarities between the mediums fans use outside of traditional written fanfiction.

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